• Director: Richard Osgood

  • Years Active: 2009-2014

  • Co-PIs: Philip Kim, Kenneth Shepard, Louis Brus, George Flynn, Tony Heinz, James Hone, Edwin C. Kan (Cornell University), Paul L. McEuen (Cornell University), Farhan Rana (Cornell University), Sandip Tiwari (Cornell University) Michael G. Spencer (Cornell University)

  • Stated Mission: MURI was a five-year, multi-university effort, involving Columbia and Cornell, funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research in September 2009. The full potential of graphene devices is limited by our ability to grow or fabricate large single-crystal samples. In addition, the performance of graphene devices depends strongly on the chemical and mechanical environment of the material, presenting distinctive challenges for device fabrication, including growing surface-passivating dielectric-films and reducing substrate interactions. At the same time, the intrinsic limits to graphene performance, including mean free paths and phase coherence lengths, saturation velocities and nonequilibrium transport, and light-matter coupling, remain poorly understood.

    The goal of this MURI was to develop new growth and fabrication technologies for graphene and graphene-related materials that, when coupled with improved understanding of its critical underlying physical properties, will enable novel device concepts. The research also focused on three specific advanced electronic and nanoscale electromechanical devices that illustrated the potential for new or dramatically enhanced functionality.

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