Rigaku SmartLab XRD


Location: Mudd 1124A

This X-ray diffraction system features the 3 kW Cu X-ray source coupled with a HyPix-3000 high-energy-resolution 2D multidimensional semiconductor detector that supports 0D, 1D and 2D measurement modes, allowing all applications to be handled with a single detector, eliminating the inconvenience of preparing and switching individual detectors for different applications.

The system incorporates a high-resolution θ/θ closed-loop 5-axis goniometer drive system.

Cross-beam optics (CBO) allows for easily-switchable Bragg-Brentano (BB) and Parallel Beam (PB) geometries.


  • Cross-beam Optics for easy BB and PB switching

  • Automated Optics and Sample alignment

  • Ge(220) 2- and 4-bounce monochromators

  • Guidance software for data acquisition and processing/analysis

For more information please contact Dr. Philippe Chow and check out the XRD selection guide.