
Please visit the SMCL Access Checklist to gain lab access and a Badger account prior to requesting training!

Equipment CU User Rate CU Staff Time Min. Hrs Max. Hrs Ext. Academic Rate Ext. Academic Staff Time External Rate External Staff Time Superuser
Rigaku SmartLab $33 $45 0.5 10 $39.6 $54 $99 $135 CNI staff
Agilent 8453 UV/vis Spectrophotometer $17 $45 0.5 10 $20.4 $54 $51 $135 CNI staff
Agilent 1260 Infinity GPC $22 $45 0.5 5 $26.4 $54 $66 $135 CNI staff
Eco SEC RI-UV GPC $22 $45 0.5 5 $26.4 $54 $66 $135 CNI staff, Nico Mendez
Malvern Zeta Sizer Nano-ZS $22 $45 0.5 10 $26.4 $54 $66 $135 CNI staff
Micrometrics ASAP 2020 HV BET analyzer $22 $45 0.5 9 $26.4 $54 $66 $135 CNI staff
Renishaw inVia micro-Raman spectrometer $17 $45 0.5 10 $20.4 $54 $51 $135 CNI staff
Rigaku XtaLAB Synergy-S $33 $45 0.5 10 $39.6 $54 $99 $135 Daniel Chica
Woollam Variable-Angle Spectroscopic Ellipsometer $17 $45 0.5 8 $20.4 $54 $51 $135 CNI staff
Autofinders $17 $45 0.5 9 $20.4 $54 $51 $135 Anjaly Rajendran
Horiba micro-Raman Spectrometer $17 $45 0.5 9 $20.4 $54 $51 $135 CNI staff
TA Instruments Q500 TGA $18 $45 0.5 12 $21.6 $54 $54 $135 CNI staff
Agilent SuperNova SCXRD $33 $45 0.5 10 $39.6 $54 $99 $135 Daniel Chica
PANalytical XPert3 Powder XRD $23 $45 0.5 12 $27.6 $54 $69 $135 Erfan Mardan
PHI 5500 XPS $33 $45 0.5 10 $39.6 $54 $99 $135 CNI staff
Bruker Dimension FastScan AFM $35 $45 0.5 8 $42 $54 $105 $135 CNI Staff, Ariane Marchese

Couldn’t find what you’re looking for? Checkout the EM and Clean Room equipment lists or download our equipment list flyer here.

Rates are in USD. Training sessions are chargeable (equipment time only). Internal Columbia University users with CNI designated grants will get a 10% subsidy on top of internal rates. Rates are in USD.

A monthly membership fee of $50 per Columbia research group ($75 per other academic groups, and $150 for industry) will be applied to each invoice (for months of lab usage only). The revenue from the membership fee will be used for equipment refresh and replacement.